From Meido For Christmas by StormieLikeWeather

Chapter 1

“This is the best day ever!” Spinning in a circle, Rikku tried to catch falling snowflakes on her tongue. Her glossy brown eyes gleamed. Little boots crunched through the blanketed ground.

The city glittered this time of year. Twinkling Christmas lights frosted buildings, streetlights, and sparse shrubbery. Rainbows reflected off pure white ground and painted the city. A myriad of magical color.

There was only one thing quite like the glittering sight of Tokyo at Christmas, and Kagome had not seen the well’s timestream in over a decade.

She watched her Niece twirl round and round, little scarf like a tail behind her. Puff ball hat jiggling atop her curly haired head. The rock in Kagome’s chest lifted at the sight. Rikku needed this. She needed this. Afterall, tomorrow would be the 49th day.

“Aunt!” Rikku interrupted her trail of thought with a bright smile. She grabbed up Kagome’s hand and tugged her toward the mall entrance. “Hurry, we can’t miss Santa! This is our last chance!”

“Last chance for what?” Kagome laughed, it was only the first day of the season. He would be around for the next few weeks.

Rikku answered with a tug of her hand and shouted, “Hurry!”

Kagome picked up speed, cold air filling her lungs. “We will not miss him, promise!”

The doors were in sight.

With a great woosh, a flurry of snow careened toward them from the retreating roof of a huge SUV. Dusted with white powder, Kagome shivered, “Maybe we should get some cocoa first, to warm up.”

“No thanks,” Rikku frowned, pulling off her hat to shake off the flurries.

Not one to give up, Kagome shook her head, “Honey, your hands are freezing! We are getting something warm.”

“It will take too long!” She huffed, but as soon as they made it inside the little girl was the first to dash toward the food service area.

Long lines of shoppers filled the massive space. Hands overflowing with freshly purchased  Christmas presents. Decorative bags of cinnamon scented pinecones hung from the shop doors.

Kagome inhaled deeply. Eyes lighting up as the flavors of Christmas filled her lungs.  

“There! There!” Rikku pointed at a vendor off to the side, one with large cups and a plethora of flavors of taiyaki, “That’s the one!”

“Number one Taiyaki...” Sounded legit.  With a shrug, Kagome flashed Rikku a grin and nodded, “If that’s your choice, let’s go!”

Sometimes she was surprised by just how fast her seven year old Niece truly was. Little legs dodged groups of passersby. Her pink hat dipped low as she ducked more than once to avoid swinging purses and totes.

With a chuckle, Kagome followed after. Without warning Rikku froze in front of a newly formed line, eyes wide as she blinked at the sight. “What’s wrong?”

The little girl looked down at the crinkled paper clutched in her white knuckled fist, and back up at her Aunt with watery eyes. Sad eyes, that haunted Kagome every moment for the last month and a half. “We will miss him.”

“We won’t Rikku,” Kagome kneeled down and rubbed Rikku’s little shoulders. She captured both her hands as she spoke, giving a little squeeze. “We will get to see Santa, have cocoa, and have taiyaki. There will be enough time.”

Rikku’s whole body shuddered. Her gaze flickered over to the fish cake display, and then to her Aunt’s hopeful smiling face, “Really?”


The magic of the snow and lights had vanished, but the promise of sweet treats made the little girl smile. That was enough for Kagome. Anything to ease the painful days of mourning.

Getting through the long line was worth the wait, they both decided, as whipped cream moustaches painted their upper lips and hot chocolate warmed their bellies.

“You look just like Daddy!” Rikku giggled before biting into her fish cake.

“Oh really?” Kagome reached out and wiped the center of Rikku’s upper lip, “Now, you look just like your Jiji-san.”

“That’s impossible!” Rikku scrunched her lips a moment, as if she had to decide whether it was funny or not before giggling. “You’re so silly.”

The pair chatted away happily as they warmed their bellies with sweet goodies. Worries forgotten. Tucking her hair behind her ears, Kagome watched the happiness in her Niece's eyes steadily grow as she told her all about her friends at school.

“You know what Yuki asked for from Santa last year?” Rikku’s eyes bore into her Aunt as she whispered, “He asked Santa to make his Grandma well again so she could come home from the hospital, and then,” Rikku was so close Kagome could feel her breath on her cheek, “it happened. His Grandma got well and she came home.”

A well of loss opened in the pit of Kagome’s stomach. She reached out to stroke Rikku’s face, “Honey if you’re...”

“Attention shoppers! Santa has an unexpected emergency at The North Pole, he will be leaving at four PM today instead of six PM, we apologize for any inconvenience.” The Intercom blared through their conversation and Rikku jumped up from her seat.

“Aunt! We have to go!” With a turn of her heel, Rikku ran into the sea of people.

Panicked, Kagome shouted, “Rikku! Wait!” Hands full of trash, she chased after her Niece. What would Souta say if she lost her? In an instant her mind went through all the things that could happen to a little girl lost in the Mall.

Suddenly the pink puff ball hat bobbed a few feet away and Kagome could breathe again. Tossing the trash, she kept her eye on the puff ball and ran.

“Hey! Watch it!”

“Sorry!” She hissed, shoving through a huge crowd around a clearance sale. A box slammed into her elbow as she evaded a cart. Her arm sang with the blow, but she had to reach Rikku.

When she finally caught up enough with the puff ball, she reached forward, grabbing the hood of Rikku's blue coat. “Rikku! Stop! Wait.” Heart racing, she doubled over as the child struggled to get free.

“I can’t! I have to see Santa!” Frantic, she fought to rid herself of her coat but the zipper stuck. Tears began to stream down her flustered red cheeks.

“Oh,” Kagome grabbed her up, holding her tight against her chest, “Rikku, honey stop a moment. Breathe. Just breathe. We can come back in a few days and see him.”

“No!” Rikku wailed, struggling again, “It has to be today! I have to see Santa today! I have to ask him to bring Mommy back to me today! That is what I want for Christmas! He has to give her to me for Christmas! I’ve been a good girl! He has to give her back to me!”

Ignoring the odd looks and murmurs coming from the sudden crowd around them, Kagome looked right into her Niece’s watery eyes. She could feel her heart breaking, “Honey, that isn’t exactly...”

A pop of magic sizzled right beside them. Tingles ran up her arms and down her spine. Both Kagome and Rikku looked over at the man coming close.

In a blood red suit with white fuzzy cuffs and a full beard, he stalked closer. Amber eyes narrowed at a gawking on looker.

“Move.” The voice was unmistakable. Those eyes were unmistakable.

Mouth wide open, eyes as big as saucers, Kagome stared speechless. Heartbeat thundering in her ears, her mind reeled.

“It is not a question for your Aunt to answer,” Two red sleeved arms reached for Rikku. She gleefully looped her arms around his neck as he pulled her against his chest. “Come.”

Kagome blinked as she watched them walk away. Stunned. “Sesshomaru...” His name felt strange on her tongue. Was she imagining things? No. She knew that energy. It crawled along her senses. As dangerous as it was intriguing. The pair turned a corner and she jumped up from the spot. “Oh God, I just let Sesshomaru take Rikku like it was nothing... Souta will kill me!” She scrambled to get through the crowd. “Wait!” He didn’t.

By the time she made it to them, Rikku had both of her hands on his weirdly stripeless cheeks, telling him all about her wish. A wish that her Mother would return to the land of the living.

They were sitting on Santa’s big red chair smack dab in the middle of a cardboard Christmas village. He had her propped up on one knee. The smallest smile peeked out from behind the fake beard he wore, eyes crinkling just slightly at the edges. A halfmoon grin on her face, familiar eyes full of adoration. Rikku was looking at him much like Rin had once upon a time.

Kagome had to prop herself up on a giant candy cane. Her stomach rolled. “This can’t be real...” Something nudged her and she slipped, landing right on her butt. “Hey!”

“Oh, I assure you, it’s real.”

Wide eyes caught sight of a young man decked out in an elf’s uniform, “Grandfather said he would be taking over for Matsu, I guess you are the reason why.”

“But you’re human?” She blurted it out before she had a chance to think. Her hand slapped over her mouth, “I’m so sorry!”

He chuckled, “Don’t worry about it,” offering her a hand, “We are descendants of Rin, as far as the story goes her children began the tradition by calling him Jiji-sama. She didn’t really approve, but it has stuck to him like glue.” He shrugged while helping her to her feet. “There are a couple dozen of us now.”

“Wow...” Imagining Rin as a grown woman with babies felt so surreal. “I can’t believe it...” Everything felt surreal. “So you are Rin’s great-great-great-grandson?”

“You can call me Daichi.” His smile charmed as he rocked on the balls of his feet with his hands shoved deep into his green pants. “There might be a few more greats in there.”

She glanced over at Santa-Sesshomaru speaking quietly with Rikku. He looked so real, despite the crimson suit and lengthy fake beard. All his attention remained on her Niece. Her heart tightened in her chest. “Rikku...”

Her brown eyes were glistening with unshed tears, little hands went in for a hug. Her face burrowed against his neck. Sesshomaru returned the gesture, holding her tight, as if he truly cared.

Kagome swallowed down the uneasy feelings crawling up her throat. Blinking, she waited for everything to fall away into a dream. It didn’t.

“Why don’t you have a seat.” Daichi escorted her over to a bench. This close, she could see the resemblance of his ancestor.

“You have her eyes.” She offered a small sad smile, unable to look him in the face with the realization, “That’s amazing. Looking at you is like looking right at Rin.”

He chuckled, folding his arms over his chest and sitting with one foot over the other knee. “So,” One finger tapped her knee, “Why does my Grandfather have an interest in you?”

“Eh...” She winced, “I’m not sure, but it can’t be good...”

His grin faltered, “Well it looks like we are about to find out.”

Sure enough Sesshomaru strolled toward them carrying Rikku in his arms. “Daichi. Watch this child.”

“Wait a second,” Kagome jumped up from the bench, “You can’t ju-”

Sesshomaru’s glare caught her off guard, “Miko.” He inclined his chin, making his off white beard tremble, “You will accompany me to Hell.”

“Wha-what did you just?” She swallowed hard, “No,” shaking her head, “You can’t be serious. There is no way.”

Daichi without further prompting took Rikku from his Grandfather, “Sure, no problem, we will have lots of fun cleaning up the set. Right, Kiddo?”

Rikku grinned over a candy cane and nodded, so trusting. Those eyes. He looked like he could have been her Uncle. “Mhm.”

“Rikku, honey,” Kagome cupped Rikku’s cheek, “Are you okay?”

The girl grinned at Sesshomaru, who smiled in return, “Yep.”

Angry blue eyes pinned him, “What did you tell her? Something impossible?”

“There is very little impossible for This...Santa.” He stroked his fake beard. The amusement in his eyes only furthered her aggravation.

Kagome frowned, facing the youkai in a santa costume. Her finger jabbed him right in the chest, “Listen here, If you are suggesting something along the lines of Kikyo, I will not allow it.”

“Do you mean to compare This...” His gaze flickered from Rikku back to Kagome, “Santa to that weak-”

“Yes.” She cut him off, eyes a little wild as she realized she’d just poked him in the chest multiple times. Her hand pulled away, surprisingly still intact. A deep breath and she pressed her lips together, eyes narrowed, “Sesshomaru-sama,” She quietly hissed, “You look ridiculous. I can’t even take you seriously wearing that. And if memory serves correctly, returning the dead to the living is not part of your skill set. She’s been gone for forty-eight days, not forty-eight minutes, Tenseiga can’t help.”

“Oh!” Daichi winced, settling Rikku on the bench while grabbing up a red mass and promptly shoving it on top of Sesshomaru’s glowering head. Completely oblivious. “It’s just because I forgot his hat earlier, that’s all. There! Santa you look great!”

Rikku nodded, “The hat really makes a difference.” She gave Daichi a high five.

Scowling at Daichi, Sesshomaru pulled the hat off his head and shoved it inside his pant pocket. “This is not necessary.”

Kagome moved to leave, taking Rikku by the hand and tugging her from her seat, “Well, nice seeing you. We must be going.”

“But, Aunt!” Rikku wailed.

With one step Sesshomaru blocked her way out, “Miko, you will accompany This Santa to Hell.” In a fluid motion he pulled his sword from the folds of his jacket.

Bristling, Kagome passed Rikku to Daichi. Reiki crackled just above her skin. “I wasn't afraid of you five hundred years ago, and I'm not afraid of you now. Your threats are useless.”

The deep rumble of his laughter caught her off guard. One hand on his pillow stuffed belly.

Brows furrowed. Her frown deepened, “Why are you laughing?”

“You misunderstand, Miko. You will do as you wish.” As soon as he noticed Daichi take Rikku out of eyesight, he peeled the beard from his face. In an instant his markings reappeared, stealing Kagome's breath.

A surprising relief flooded her, and the moment became far more real. Who else survived? What happened? Where in the world was Jaken? She closed her eyes allowing her thoughts to find order before she spoke. “Sesshomaru-sama, why would I wish to accompany you to Hell?”

His smirk told her he'd already won. He stalked close until she could feel his energy crackle against her own. “It is simple. Your Sister, as long as she is willing, will be returned to the land of the living, soul and body intact.”

She looked at him with knitted brows for a long moment. “It’s my sister in law, and what do you mean body intact? Her body has already been burned.”

He pulled the stuffing from his overcoat, “My abilities and that of my swords have grown over the years,” Ready to get on with it, he snapped, “Do you doubt my word?”

With a narrowed gaze, she shook her head, “No. Tell me, what will you get out of it?”

His claws clicked against the hilt of his sword.

“Is that...Tessaiga?” Kagome reached out, but stopped short, “Did Inuyasha...” She clenched her jaw shut, unable to ask the question on the tip of her tongue.

“Inuyasha is well, and alive. The sword has little use for him these days.”

Relief filled her as she glanced back up at him, “I'm so glad. And you too, I'm happy you are alive still. I have so many questions...”

Sesshomaru considered her for a moment before plucking the winter hat from her head, watching the stands of black mussed hair fall back into place, “We must depart now or there may not be enough time.”

She frowned, snatching her hat from his hand, “You haven't told me what you will gain from this.”

“My reasons are my own. That is all you need to know.” Tessaiga extended, with one flick of his wrist the Meido opened like a gash in the universe.

“Sesshomaru-sama?! Wait!” One of the big candy canes fell to her right, and she scrambled after him, diving into the sparkly darkness. The path closed behind her with a pop.

“Oof!” The landing came hard. A stone path with flowers littered on each side. The skies, a clear blue. Her knee throbbed as she pushed off the ground to stand. The air smelled sweet with pollen. She sucked in a deep breath.

Crashing sounds of water sung in the distance. Translucent people appeared out of thin air, walking toward a pair of massive statues. Young and old, men and women, some wore suits and pencil skirts while others were dressed in rags. A clattering sound had her turning. Children. Without thinking, she moved toward them.

A mountain of stones filled one side of the path. Little naked spirit children climbed the stone surface, piling it up higher and higher. Pebble by pebble. Moss and spider lilies grew up it’s sides in a thick forest.

“Ahhh!” In a landslide of rocks, a little girl tumbled all the way down. On autopilot, Kagome ran to help, but a massive oni found the child first.

Large curled horns extended from his skull in sharp points. Red oily skin stretched tight over bulbous muscles. His face looked like an English bulldog’s, wrinkly and dripping with drool.

With a grunt, he poked the girl with the end of a spear. “Get up you! This staircase will not build itself!”

“Leave her alone!” Palming a large rock, Kagome threw it right at the beast. “Get away from her.” It clinked off one of his horns.

She picked up another, this time determined to get his attention away from the child. Her arm went forward and stopped short of throwing. Sesshomaru. He had her sleeve caught between two fingers. Glaring, she pulled away from the clawed hand that kept her from hitting the enemy, “What are you doing?”

Her face was red, a scowl marred her usually pleasant features.

Sesshomaru’s jaw clenched, “Do not interfere.”

“Why?” Angry blue eyes narrowed at him, fists clenched, “These children are suffering, they need help.”  

“It is not our place to help them, watch.” His amber gaze rested on the pile of stone behind the girl.

Kagome followed his command out of curiosity, barely containing her anger as the oni tugged at the child’s hair. “I can’t just wa-” The ground rumbled. Knees wobbled. She stared wide-eyed. Pebbles moved of their own accord and suddenly a statue appeared between the girl and the oni. Flesh bubbled up around the form until something that resembled a bald man stood protecting the girl. “Jizo...” Kagome swallowed hard, dropping the stone from her hand.

He placed a hand on the girl’s head and clothes magically appeared covering her naked body. A toothy smile glistened with tears as she looked up at her savior. The Oni’s form flickered from existence.

When Kagome turned back to the youkai, she was alone. “Sesshomaru-sama? Wha-!” A clawed hand reached down from the sky and picked her like a flower. She swatted her hand at him, feet unsteady on his cloud of youki. “Why are you doing this to me? Let go!”

He stared straight ahead, eyes on something in the distance she couldn’t yet see. “If we remain here the first King will pass judgement. If you would prefer to wade through the river, jump.”

“How do you know what will happen if we remain where we were?” Her eyes turned a darker shade of blue as she glared at him. “Just where exactly are we inside Meido? How do you know where the spirit of Rikku’s Mother is?” She shifted on her feet, hands on her hips.

Sesshomaru scoffed and ignored her.

The ground sped by in a watercolor of greys and whites. Little dots of color popped every few seconds. They were gone so quickly, Kagome couldn’t make out what any of it could be. She pressed her lips together. Fingers picked at a loose string in the hem of her sweater. “Have you done this before?”

Amber irises darkened in her direction. His jaw was set and his lips formed a minute frown. Finally a reaction.

“I guess that means unsuccessfully.” Kagome crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself as the air chilled. “Ouch!” She rubbed the back of her head, looking over her shoulder at nothing. Sesshomaru’s shoulders were relaxed when she turned back. It was him. She wasn’t sure how, but she knew it. Glowering, she grumbled, “Egotistical baka.”  

The energy all around them churned. Pure blue sky shifted into grey. “Sesshomaru-sama?” Kagome inched closer to him.  

His hand already rested atop Tenseiga’s hilt, “Miko, do not do anything rash. Shoko approaches.”

“Shoko?” She was sure she’d heard the name before, likely from her Grandfather, “Is that one of the Kings of Judgement?”

“Indeed.” He used his free hand to shove her behind his back, “Quiet yourself.”

Rain slammed into them from the side, drenching. Kagome pressed herself against his back, trying to block the coming storm.

“Youkai!” Before she could make out a body, the voice boomed through the thunder. “Why is it you have returned?” The sound made her stomach churn.

“Our business here is none of your concern.” Sesshomaru’s spine had gone rigid. She could feel his muscles tense as she pressed closer.

Wind rushed them, but he stood firm.

The voice barreled from every direction. “Everything in this realm is concern of mine.”

Kagome’s fingers curled against his belt. His drenched hair plastered down her side.

Sesshomaru drew his sword, sensing something she couldn’t pinpoint. “Miko, use a barrier.”


“Do you see another Miko around?” His voice tensed as his sword rose and something clanged against the blade.

“’s just...” She worried her lip between her teeth, “I’ll try.”

Glancing over his shoulder until he caught her worried gaze, he told her matter of factly, “You are strong enough, do it.”

Everything in her shuddered at that moment. If Sesshomaru was confident in her abilities, then why couldn’t she be? With a nod, her reiki flared to life. Fists clenched at her sides and she stepped out from behind him, looking out into the storm.

Like pink fire, the flames licked up around them just in time to absorb a bolt of green lightning.

Deep rumbling laughter came from the thick gathering clouds. They bubbled in huge masses, closer, and closer.

Kagome swallowed hard. Her barrier flickered and spread farther, encapsulating them completely. “Sesshomaru-sama...”

His eyes remained on the coming mass.

“Why are we fighting what is greatly considered to be a God?”

He scoffed, a smirk on his face. “They are no more Gods than I or you are.” With one tug to her elbow, he pulled her in front of him. His boot nudged her feet apart, “Stand like this, your barrier is only as stable as your stance.”

“Okay.” Nerves ate at her as she watched the clouds open up for an angry looking bearded man in a plain white kimono.

His black hair looped into a top knot at the base of his creeping hairline. A bow with no arrow aimed at her barrier. The taut string released and another bolt of green lightning shot forward.

Kagome gasped as her barrier absorbed the blow. “He doesn’t use arrows! Sesshomaru, how can he not use arrows?” She watched him half shrug, shift his stance just slightly, and smile at the enemy. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

So fast, she watched his every move, barely catching each slice of his blade. Luckily his cloud stayed steady as he charged forth. He moved like water, hitting every opening Shoko gave.

The Judgement King of Theft tossed his bow to the side, ready for closer combat, it landed in the plush fluff of Sesshomaru’s cloud. A massive nodachi appeared from thin air, the blade singing a sickening shriek with every swipe.

Watching them hit and miss over and over made Kagome squirm. From the sidelines battle looked so differently. Sesshomaru dodged a cut that would have bifurcated his skull. She swallowed hard. He countered, Shoko’s top knot fell from his head.

Snarling, his red vehement eyes trained on the youkai as green flames licked up his long blade.

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed. The enemy charged forward, and he leapt higher into the sky. His boot landed atop the long blade and he kicked off again, switching the assault, determined to bleed the false God. The King roared, trembling with anger as he launched into desense.

She rubbed her lips together, eyeing the bow that had been discarded so carelessly. Her fingers itched for the weapon, something to let her join in the fight. Doubt pinched her brows. What if she wasn’t good enough? What if it wouldn’t work for her, or, worse, what if she shot Sesshomaru?

The sudden zing of green flames coming her way had her launching herself toward the bow. Fingers curled over the carved wood and her reiki instantly sung in her veins. “Woah,” She buzzed, shifting the weapon in her hands as it resized itself perfectly for her use. It called to her. Humming. Reiki answered in pink swirling curls, winding through the wood and down the thin string. Ingrained in the wood, she felt a deep angry power, lurking.

“What have you done!?” The sudden fear laced growl in her direction had her spinning on her heel just in time to watch Sesshomaru run Tenseiga through Shoko’s neck. Bright red blood squirted up from the wound. Wide red eyes told her he hadn’t expected it.

He tried desperately to fling his huge sword in the youkai’s direction, but the heavy blade didn’t budge before he lost his head completely.

His angry cursing face rolled onto the cloud toward Kagome. “Get back!” With one kick, she had it flying through the endless sky. The grey storm receded. A rainbow appeared in its wake.   

“You have found a new weapon.” Sesshomaru nodded at the bow, but her eyes were on his blood splattered face.

She reached out, smearing the red over his cheek, tilting her head curiously as her fingertips came away covered in blood. The question in his eyes made her blush. “I’ve never seen you dirty before.” Where was the pristine Sesshomaru of the past, standing at the foot of a thousand slain youkai with not even a smudge of dirt on his perfect form?

Brows up, he simply stared at her for a moment before smirking, “Come, Miko. Death waits for no one.”

“Right.” She nodded, taking up her new bow as the cloud began to barrel forward. Her reiki died down, sinking into the smooth wood. At no time as an archer did her powers react in such a way to a weapon. She brushed her fingers over the laquer. The wood pulsed. “This bow, it feels...different.”

Sesshomaru hovered his hand over the frame. Brows knitted a moment before his face relaxed completely. “It has accepted you as its owner.”

“Accepted me? What do you mean? It’s a bow.” She turned it over in her hands, as if looking at the other side would tell her what she wanted to know.

“It is sentient. Feel the power within the wood grain,” He tilted his chin, “and use the opportunity to become accustomed to it.”

Her brows rose, “What opportunity?” She looked out into the distance.

His steely eyes rested on the rainbow, it  had grown larger and more opaque. “This bridge leads to Taizan, and, subsequently, your Niece's Mother.”

“How do you know all of this?” Colors ran beneath them. She looked down from his cloud at the purples and blues directly beneath the white fluff. Fingers reached out, running along the slippery surface.

“You were correct in your first assumption that this is not my first visit.”

She looked at him over her shoulder, catching the stiffness in his stance, the set of his jaw, and thought it better not to ask why he'd traveled here before. Wind rushed through the calm skies, ruffling her sweater and damp hair. Something lurked at the edge of her senses. Something with a lot of power.

“Ready yourself.” Sesshomaru had Tenseiga in hand and ready.

The power ruffled outward, dragging them forward with the wind. Kagome pulled the bow string taut, telling herself she could feel her arrow aimed up at what felt like an enemy.

The puffy white clouds gleamed down at her as she narrowed her eyes, there was something other there, she knew it. She released and gasped as her reiki formed its own arrow, piercing the cloud.

A shriek, and the cloud dissipated into a huge oni, falling straight toward them. Sesshomaru leapt, cutting it down. Blood rained over them.

Two more popped out from above. Kagome shot another arrow, watching as the beast exploded into fleshy ribbons.

Grimacing, she peeled a lump of red flesh off her shoulder, “This is the part I don’t miss.”

Sesshomaru flicked the blood from his claws, “It suits you.” He smirked. Amber eyes glittered with enjoyment. The thrill.

A shake of her head, and she grinned, “Yeah? You too.” She reached out and pulled a severed finger from his blood splattered overcoat, tossing it to the side.

Another oni jumped from the sky, landing on his cloud. Kagome shot it through the chest in an instant reflex. The dead body flopped onto the bridge, sliding all the way down the colorful slide. A trail of blood all the way down.

She turned to see Sesshomaru cut down yet another as a hoard raced toward them from the other end of the bridge.

With a mischievous glint in her blue eyes, she pulled her bow taut, “Let’s see what you can do, bow.”  The front of the hoard came into range and she loosed her power. Three arrows shot forward, bursting on contact.

Pink flames blasted through three lines of oni. Filled with confidence, she tried focusing in different ways, inflicting more damage with each release.

With an exhale she fired. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the entire mass engulfed in reiki. Purifying fire spread throughout the hoard. Burn baby burn. She spun to face Sesshomaru, huge grin on her face.

He stood watching them cremate. His honeyed gaze filled with an emotion she’d never seen in his eyes before. It was beautiful.

There wasn’t much time to appreciate the youkai beside her with a new wave of enemies rushing them. Kagome launched another attack. “We need to get through them faster, or we might miss our chance to save Miomi.”

He nodded, raising his blade, “Fire, in 1... 2...”

She pulled her bow string taut, focusing her reiki.


An explosion of power lit the world in yellow and pink flames, youki and reiki lashing together to disintegrate the entire second wave. All ashes and dust.

In a ball of white light, he took them to the end of the bridge. Wind batted them. They landed so quickly, Kagome had to hold his arm to keep from lurching forward. A large field covered in spider lilies. Another line of people waited here, all with varying degrees of emotion on their faces. Another King of Judgement would soon greet them individually, there to divulge what situation the soul would birth into next. By this point everyone had some idea of what their future would look like, some looked scared, others looked pleased, while more simply looked bored.    

Kagome scanned the crowd for the face she longed to see. Turning, there was no sign of her Brother's wife. She craned her neck over the cloud, searching. So many had short brown hair.

“There.” Sesshomaru pointed at a face they both recognized, and suddenly something became very clear to Kagome.

All this time and she only thought the woman resembled the girl she’d known long ago. The pieces clicked. Daichi looked so similar to Rikku. Sesshomaru cared to return her to the Earth. “Miomi is Rin’s reincarnation...” Her whispered discovery had him frowning as he nudged her forward. It didn’t matter, except that it meant Rikku would have her Mother again. Souta would have his wife.

Miomi wasn’t Rin.

Just as She wasn’t Kikyo.

She ran to the familiar face, embracing her, pulling her from the front of the line, “Miomi!”

“Oneesan?” Miomi turned her head, sad brown eyes looked into her Sister in law’s. “I don’t understand. What are you doing here?”

Kagome held her hands, “I am here to save you, to bring you back for a full life.”

With a sad sob, Miomi sighed, “Oneesan this is not possible. Whatever trickery you have used to come here, please, you must go.” She pushed her away.

“Miomi! You don't understand! You can live a full life, just trust me.” Hopeful blue eyes stared back at melancholy brown.

“I’ve had a full life!” The woman shouted, trembling. “I may not have seen everything I wanted to, or lived for as long as I wanted to, but my life was complete the moment I met Souta and overfilled when I gave birth to Rikku. There is no unfinished business for me to return to.”

Nearby spirits drifted closer, “I want to live!” Hands reached for them. “Take me with you!”

Miomi shook her head, “I will not return. My place is here.”

The dead crowded them, grabbed at their clothes.

Sesshomaru’s lips formed a thin line as he laid a hand on Kagome’s shoulder. “Miko, come.”

“No!” Kagome shoved him away with a jolt of power, fully crying now. The force blew the other spirits backward like bowling pins. “How can you leave Rikku so soon? Willingly?!” Fists clenched at her sides, “She needs her Mother!”

Miomi pulled herself free and ran, returning to her place in line, “This may be hard for you to accept Oneesan, but this is my choice! Go home! Rikku will be fine.”

“She won’t be.” Kagome shuddered, staring at her bow in the grass. “How can she be?” Two arms pulled her against a red velvet chest. Fingers curled into the soft fabric as her shoulders shook with grief.

Firm hands held her close. She let herself cry there in Meido, in Sesshomaru’s arms. It should have felt strange, but the only thing she couldn’t comprehend was why Miomi would refuse to return to her daughter.

“Sorry,” She wiped her face, her hand coming away blood and tear smeared.

Sesshomaru sighed, his eyes on Miomi standing in line, now far away. “Rin’s soul often refuses to return to the land of the living.”

“You’ve done this before, to bring her back?” Kagome swallowed hard.

“There have been a few reincarnations missed, however, when the opportunity arises, I give her the choice.” He spoke in a soft sad tone she’d never heard before.

“Has one of her reincarnations ever accepted?” She pressed her face into the fur trim of his collar, wiping her eyes again with the back of her hand.

He nodded, “Twice, the only times she had children...Admittedly I did not expect her to decline.”

“I don’t understand why she would choose to leave Rikku.” Her tears picked up again, “She’s going to be devastated when we return without her Mother.” There were oni approaching, Kagome could feel them in the distance. He didn’t pull away, holding her as long as she needed. With a heavy breath, she stepped back. “Thank you for trying.” Grabbing her bow off the ground, she could feel his stare on her spine as she turned to face the enemy.  

Her arrows exploded in the chests of red beasts, lighting up the group with one pluck of her bow string. Behind her, Sesshomaru had once more cut through the universe, returning them to the Christmas Village.

She sucked in a deep breath of peppermint air. The Mall had long since closed. Darkness flooded the space. The only light came from moonlit skylights. Shadows danced all around them.

Blood and gut splattered, sword still out, Sesshomaru looked eerie in his Santa suit. His eyes reflected the dim light as he looked down at presumably his cell phone. “Daichi has taken your Niece to your home shrine.”

“Good.” The word felt strange on her tongue after everything that happened. She slumped onto the bench, “I have no idea what to say to her, I feel like a failure.” Her fingers ran through her hair as she hung her head, looking down at her disgusting boots. All her clothes needed a good scrubbing. She needed a bath.

Claws caught her chin, forcing her to look up at Sesshomaru’s thoughtful gaze, “Rikku will come to terms with it. We did not fail in that we gave her Mother the option to return to her child. Her choice was her own.”

Blue eyes blinked up at him. “She isn’t going to be understanding about it.”

“No.” The tip of his claw brushed her lip as he let go, “You however know you did what we set out to do.”

She nodded, knuckles white over her weapon. “It’s something I have to come to terms with.”


With a huff, Sesshomaru shrugged out of the filthy Santa overcoat. His swords clattered together as he slipped the outer red pants off his black slacks and repositioned them at his waist.

“You’ve been keeping all those swords in your coat this whole time?”

The question caught him off guard. “Of course.” He grunted, rolling his shoulders as if to shake off such an incredulous question. Wearing a white button down shirt, he looked so odd. A mixture of modern and feudal all in one. At least he still had pretty hair.

A small smile tilted her lips. “Isn’t that a bit uncomfortable?”

He gave a half shrug, “Comfort is nothing compared to security,” slipping on a different pair of shoes that had been hidden beneath a podium. Catching her stare, he asked, “Did you drive here?”

“I don’t drive.” Her fingers curled around her bow, holding it to her side, a small smile tilting the corners of her lips, “I don’t suppose you could give us a ride home?”

“This will not be an issue.” Keys jingled as he took them from his pocket.

Completely ordinary. His car was average, not flashy, a couple of years old, in a shiny black. It looked like it could use a run through a car wash. He caught her sideline gaze and tilted his chin, “I take many trips to the countryside.”

Kagome climbed into the back seat, propping her bow up on one side at an angle so it fit, “Is it easier on the nose out there? Inuyasha complained about the city’s smell all the time back in the day, it must be much worse for you.”

Sesshomaru slipped into the driver’s seat, watching her buckle up in the rearview mirror. “Minutely more tolerable. It’s difficult for a youkai of my standing to get far enough away to not smell the pollution.” He smirked, “Inuyasha can barely sniff what is right in front of him these days, he actually prefers the city.”

Her eyes snapped to meet his in the mirror, amber irises glittery with amusement. He almost seemed like he wasn’t dangerous. With a grin, she shook her head, “After all his groaning, he lives in Tokyo, I can’t believe it.”

“Not Tokyo,” He pulled out of the parking garage, glancing up from time to time to look at her in his backseat. A ghost of his past. “Inuyasha lives in Paris with his son and daughter in law.”

She giggled, “I can’t even imagine him trying to speak French.”

“It’s a wonder he can do something worse than the way he flings around a sword, but he manages.” A small smile lingered on his lips. “The shrine...”

“I’m so sorry! I should have said sooner,” She anxiously rattled off the address, and pressed her lips into a thin line. They were barely acquaintances from years, for her, hundreds of years, for him, ago. She was being so impolite. Rubbing her temples, she slowly exhaled a breath.

The entire night settled down on her. Everything felt surreal again. Riding in a car with the Lord of the West was completely crazy. Fighting oni in Meido, double crazy. A bow she could feel, triple crazy. She closed her eyes, counting the seconds in her head as she tried to relax.

Suddenly it began to rain outside, the droplets pelted the car windows in mocking rhythm. As if even the universe were saying, it’s all a joke. None of this is real. You’re dreaming.


Her head snapped up, eyes wild, “What is it?”

A loud rapping on the window made her jump, bruising her chest with the seat belt. Through the glass, she could barely make out a staircase and a man. Were they home already? The streetlight was out, and the downpour made it impossible to see clearly.  

Knuckles rapped the glass again.

“It’s a relative of yours.” Sesshomaru rolled down the window.

“Souta?!” Her hand went to her mouth, “What are you doing?! You’re soaked!”

Bangs hid his eyes, but she could see the grim expression on his face. White knuckles as he clenched his fists at his sides. “Is it true?” He gritted the words out.

Kagome slowly nodded.

Fists slammed into either side of the door, making her jump.

“Why?!” His voice held his anger, “Why would you do that!?” He hit the car again, this time rocking it to the side.

Sesshomaru watched the exchange from the driver's seat.

“I’m sorry,” She muttered as Souta shouted, “She didn’t return with us.”

“Of course she didn’t, Kagome!” He stepped back, looking up at the sky as rain slid down his face, dripping off the point of his chin. Anger shifted into sadness, “She wouldn’t have,” He turned his gaze on her, catching her with dark hollow eyes, “The day she had the accident was also the day we found out she had pancreatic cancer. She would have returned to suffering, us watching her wither away.”

“You didn’t...” She swallowed hard, “You didn’t tell anyone...” It felt like a sledgehammer swung and hit her right in the stomach. “I...”

“No, I didn’t.” Souta shoved his hands into his pockets, “You overstepped, and you,” He's jaw tensed as he looked at Sesshomaru, eyes narrowed, “I know who you are. You are not welcome here.” In the heavy rain, he stalked up the shrine steps out of sight.

Kagome swallowed a sob, eyes burning as she fought the need to cry. Her fingers gripped her bow so tightly the wood groaned. “Gomen, Sesshomaru-sama.”

He watched her as she stepped out into the freezing rain, “Sayonara, Kagome-sama.”

She didn't look at him as she left. Her boots bit into the ice slicked snow as she climbed her way up the stairs to her home. Her bow throbbed with the fast pace of her heart.

“Kagome!” Her Mother grabbed her by the shoulders with a thick blanket as soon as she reached the top step, “First Souta! Now you! And covered in blood?!”

“Sorry, Mama. It’s not mine.” She murmured, letting her Mother walk her into the house. Looking over her shoulder, two red lights lit in the darkness and disappeared down the street. She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d ever see him again. There were so many questions without any answers, and no way to contact the only link she had to knowing.  

“You should be.” With stern brown eyes, she caught her daughter's watery blue gaze, “There are some things you do not do for people unless you know that they would want it.” Kagome's face fell and her Mother held her close, “Thank you for being willing though, thank you for trying. You are so brave, but there is no world to save anymore.”

“Rikku wanted to visit Santa to save her Mom,” She clenched her eyes shut, no longer willing to cry, “I didn't do it for her. I did it because we lost Dad, and trying felt like I was giving Miomi the chance he never had...” It had been a selfish choice.

Her Mother kept her tight in her embrace, rubbing her back as she breathed in the sharp air. “Come, you need a hot bath and good food. Do as I say and go.”

“Okay.” Kagome offered her a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. Everything inside hurt.