Love Me Like You Mean It by Cupiecake

Meeting Someone New

A/N: Just wanted to say that this is my first story ever. I was so nervous about posting this but someone that I have learned to call a good friend encouraged me to not think about it and just post it.

I would also love to thank beautifuldaisy for beta reading this even though you are super busy! <3

Also I do not own Inuyasha as much as I would like to get my hands on Sesshomaru. lol

Meeting Someone New

It had been a long time since the quest for the jewel had been completed and Naraku brought down, it had been about six years to be exact. So much had happened and changed since that fateful day when they fought and the jewel disappeared. Kagome was very surprised when she was still allowed to go back and forth between the two worlds, but she was so very grateful that she didn't have to be torn between both of her families. She smiled as she thought about the past, remembering all the fun times that they had on the jewel hunts.

Life had slowed down a lot, once Kagome finally finished high school, she started spending most of her time in the feudal era. Kaede has passed away a few years ago and that was when Sango and herself took over as the village healers. Inuyasha took off shortly after the defeat of Naraku, he needed to find himself after Kikyo had passed away. He comes around more now but there was time they wouldn't hear from him for a year. Sango and Miroku had gotten married before he began to leave the village. The couple was happily expecting their second child. And her precious Shippou, her little kit, he only stayed with her in the village during the cooler months otherwise he is training with other foxes.

Kagome was sitting out in the forest, not too far away from the well as she waited for Inuyasha to show up. It was a beautiful day, about mid-spring, the day was warm and there was a light breeze that tousled her long raven hair and her miko clothes just a little. She had just closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the tree behind her when she felt his aura. Now that she had mastered her powers is was very easy to know who or what was around her. Kagome stood and smiled softly as she watched Inuyasha walk up to her slowly, she wasn't for sure but she could have sworn that he looked a little nervous.

As she got closer to him she was sure that he was definitely nervous about something. Though she didn't let that bother her as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, he missed his best friend a lot and was happy to see her again. As Kagome was about to pull away from her best friend she noticed someone hiding behind one of the trees on the other side of the clearing. She looked at the female and then at Inuyasha smiling as she spoke softly, "Is she with you Inuyasha?" The slightest blush crept up on his face as he nodded and turn to wave the female over to where they stood.

The female seemed a little shy but she walked over to where the two were standing and stood next to Inuyasha. She was just a little shorter then Kagome with short light purple hair that was almost silver that reached her shoulders. Her eyes were a green that would remind you of the forest, Kagome could tell that she was no human. He looked down at the grass as he scratched the back of his head, "Kags th-this is Emi. She's a Neko youkai from the next village over." Kagome couldn't help herself as a bright smile was place on her face as she looked at the duo, "it's so nice to meet you Emi, I'm Kagome." Emi seemed to relax a little as she smiled back at Kagome and nodded. Kagome looked back to Inuyasha, she had a little feeling there was more to the two standing in front of her.

Inuyasha started to fidget a bit more as he felt both of their eyes on him. He was afraid how she was going to react to the news, he knew that the both of them had agreed that they could never be a couple, a few years back, but even then there was still no one else that either of them had moved on with, anyone until now that is. He had started biting his bottom lip as he finally looked up at her and stuttered a little, "Sh-she's my mate." Inuyasha was holding his breath, his gaze would not leave her as he waited for her reaction.

She knew this day would come, they had both talked about it and she had heard the rumors that he had been flirting and hanging around a girl in the town he had started to call home lately. The happiness that filled her was not expected by him as she couldn't help but pulled them both into a hug as big as the smile placed upon her face. "Oh, I am so happy for the both of you! We need to celebrate!" she pulled back as she looked at the both of them the smile never leaving her face. Inuyasha felt like the world had been lifted off his shoulders as he let himself relax for the first time since him and his mate started to make the trip to visit Kagome.

Kagome linked her arm with Emi and they all started walking down to the village so that they could meet up with the rest of the gang. Now that she was no longer feeling her mates extreme tension, she was able to breathe easier and allow herself to relax as she let the female lead her down the path. Even though Inuyasha could feel that Kagome was happy for them he was still worried that she was putting on an act to make the couple feel better. Though little did he know she was actually truly happy for them, unlike what she thought she would be when the time came for Inuyasha to introduce her to his mate.

As they got closer to the village there was a little boy, he was playing with some of the little kids in the village, his eyes widened as he spotted them and took off running in their direction. As the kid got closer Inuyasha stopped and waited for the hit as the boy jumped on him, while the girls continued to walk over to Sango as she stood outside her and Miroku hut. "Kid you are starting to get too big for that, but I will let it slide since it's your birthday" Inuyasha smiled as he put the kid on his shoulders and they quickly met up with the girls.

Sango smiled and shook her head as she picked her son off of her friend's shoulders, "Kou what have I told you about jumping on Uncle Inuyasha?" The little boy just smiled up at his mother and took off to play with his friends. Inuyasha was about to tell her that it was alright when Sango spotted Emi and smiled, "Oh who do we have here?" "This is Emi, Inuyasha's mate!" Kagome said excitedly. Sango smiled, though deep inside she was a little worried that her friend was just putting on a show for everyone.


It was still early afternoon and everyone was sitting outside resting after a big lunch that all the girls made for everyone. Miroku was sitting against the hut with Sango sitting between his legs and their hands intertwined as he rubbed her swollen stomach. Inuyasha was sitting next to Emi. Kagome had to visit another village look after a women that had fallen ill. Kou had returned to playing with his friends shortly after they all ate.

Emi turned a little as she looked over at Sango and Miroku, "So how much longer until this little one is here?" Sango smiled as she looked at her stomach and then back up to Emi, "this one should be here in at least two more months. Are you two planning little ones anytime soon?" Inuyasha shrugged as he looked over at his mate and then back to Sango and Miroku as he spoke, "Keh, it's up to her." Emi rolled her eyes at him as she softly giggled and turned to answer Sango, "it would be nice if it happened soon, I have always wanted one or two." Sango smiled, she was happy for her friend but she knew that at one point Kagome had loved him and she couldn't help but worry about her friend a little.


Kagome was finally finishing up in the village and was waving goodbye to them as she turned to head back to her friends. There was a smile on her face as she headed into the forest with her backpack on her shoulder along with her quiver of arrows and her bow in her hand. It was about mid-afternoon and it would take her about an hour to get back to her village. She was hoping to get back to Sango's to help her with supper and if nothing stopped her she would be able to make it.

The walk was good for her, it gave her a chance to clear her mind and think about everything that was going on. She was excited about Sangos pregnancy and that Inuyasha had found someone that could capture his heart and put up with his attitude. Though she felt as if she had hit a wall. Sure she had got stronger physically, mastered her bow as well as her powers, but her love life since her and Inuyasha agreed to move on was none existent. She sighed to herself as she shook her head trying to get rid of the bad thoughts in her mind. She was so happy for her friends but she did have to admit to herself that she was a little jealous that she didn't have someone to come home to at night or little ones running around calling her mommy.

Her thoughts had run away with her no matter how many times that she tried to stopped them and before she knew it she was back in Inuyasha's forest. Once she realized where she stood, she smiled to herself softly as she looked up at the tall goshinboku tree. Over the years instead of going home this is where she would end up if she was sad or needed to do some deep thinking. She let a soft sigh escape her lips as she turned around to face the village when she felt the all too familiar and powerful demonic aura.

Kagome smiled as she looked straight into the cold golden eyes that belonged to the powerful aura that she was feeling. She looked around and noticed that he was alone, "so what brings you out here Lord Sesshomaru?" She walked a little closer to him without breaking eye contact as he watched her closely, he spoke in his usual cold tone, "the others were starting to get worried and asked if I would see if you were alright." Kagome nodded as she looked passed him to the village, "Well I am fine, no need to worry yourself over me. Where is Rin?" She tilted her head as she looked over at him as he began to head back to the village, "I left her with the others, Kou wanted to play with her."

Sesshomaru had been bringing the young girl to the village often and Kou thought of her almost like an older sister, it was quite sweet seeing him light up when he would see her in the distance. A thought occurred to her while they had both started walking back to Sangos, "Sesshomaru? Why did they send you and not Inuyasha?" He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes before he spoke, "He took the neko home." she nodded her head as they finally reached the hut, the kids where still playing quietly outside.

Once Rin noticed that her lord and Kagome had returned she couldn't help the smiled that appeared on her face seeing them together. She got up and ran over to them hugging Kagome, "hi Kagome! I missed you!" Kagome hugged the girl back tightly and then looked her over, she was no longer looking like a child but a young woman. "my look how big you are! You look at least a foot taller." The females giggled as Kagome joked with her as the two of them walked into the hut. "It's only been two months since the last time I was here." As much as he tried to stop it Sesshomaru could not help the softest of rumbles from his chest as he watch the two females enter the hut with the little boy that followed them in. He shook the image from his head as she stepped into the hut and sat in the far corner as he watched them.


The evening was coming to an end, Sango had put Kou to bed and was standing outside as everyone said their goodbyes. Once all the goodbyes were said Kagome, Sesshomaru and Rin were walking Kagome to her small little hut while the two females chatted quietly to themselves. Once they reached the hut Rin was pouting she didn't want to leave the woman that she had started to consider her mother. She hated that it was always such short visits as she looked up at the demon lord who she thought of as her father with her pouty lip and puppy dog eyes, "Lord Sesshomaru?" He looked down at her for her to continue what she wanted to say though he already knew what that was, "hn." "Could we pretty please stay at least the night? It's been a while since we have seen Kagome and the others and it’s not cold out anymore."

He first looked to Kagome and then back to Rin, he was going to say no when Kagome interrupted him quickly. "I really don't mind, it would be nice to have Rin stay the night or even a couple of nights." He thought about it for a moment as he saw the slight loneliness in her eyes that wasn't there before and he felt his heart twinge just a little. He suddenly wanted to take her into his arms and make the loneliness go away. He shook himself and he nodded to Rin, "I will not be able to stay though since I have some meetings in the morning, but I will be leaving Ah-Un and sending a guard to keep an eye on you." Rin was so excited that all she could do was nodded her head and hug his waist tightly while he rubbed her back just the slightest.

Kagome could not help the happiness that was bubbling up inside her to have Rin stay with her for a few days. Sesshomaru looked over at Kagome as he felt her happiness just rolling off of her and forced himself to stop the smile that was threatening to appear. He nodded to Kagome, "I will be back in three days to get Rin if that is alright with you." She nodded as she smiled at him, "That is perfectly fine with me," Rin stood next to Kagome as they waved to Sesshomaru as he turn his back to them and started walking to Ah-Un.

After a few minutes Ah-Un could be seen making his way over to Kagome's hut, she smiled as she saw the dragon youkai and pet both of the heads. Once the dragon was laying down next to the hut Kagome turned to the little girl next to her and smiled, "how about a bath before we go to sleep?" Rin nodded and smiled as they went into the hut to grab the bathing supplies that they would need and then headed to the lake not too far off. While they were bathing the guard that Sesshomaru promised he would send landed near Ah-Un, the large dragon lifted their heads to see who it was. The guard and dragon nodded to each other while Ah-Un laid their head back down closing their eyes.

As the two girls were getting back to the hut after about an hour at the lake bathing they noticed the tall Inuyoukai guard standing outside by the door. Rin spotted him and knew him well, he was one of Sesshomaru's best guards and he often had him looking over Rin when he was not able to. As they got closer Kagome saw the long black hair, bright green eyes and the armor that had the crescent moon on it. Rin smiled as she walked up to him and waved, "hello Kenta!" The guard turned and slightly bowed as the girls walked into the hut and he stood back up straight to keep a look out as his lord asked him to.

Once the two were inside Kagome set out the futons with Rin's help and they got into bed. After a little bit of chatting Kagome quickly noticed that Rin was fast asleep next to her and she smiled. She was very grateful that Sesshomaru allowed the little girl to stay a few nights with her, it had been awhile since he allowed that to happen. Though when Rin stayed he usually did to so it was a little weird having a guard outside her door instead of him, but she knew that it was all to for Rin's safety. She knew deep down that she had warmed his heart and that no matter how much he tried to hide it, she made him happy with that smile of hers and that was his daughter. She could see it in his eyes past the cold and hard facade that he put on for everyone, that he loved her and would do anything for her. She started to yawn as she looked at Rin and then couldn't help her eyes falling shut. The guard outside smiled as he could hear that both the females in the hut were asleep.

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