Their Passion by Michi

Her Passion

“Sesshomaru, I’m in love.”

Freezing at the words, Sesshomaru slowly turned away from the files he had brought home from the office; giving his girlfriend his full attention.

“Sesshomaru, I’m in love… with someone else.” She hedged while fiddling with the edge of her shirt.

“Well…” Sesshomaru wasn’t quite sure what to say. He and Kagura had been dating for over a year and were living together so this announcement was certainly not something he had anticipated when he got up that morning. Yet, as she said the words, he found that he didn’t really mind that she was leaving him. Their relationship was more based on mutual respect than it was on love. So he gave her a polite smile. “I’m happy for you, he is a lucky man.”

“Yes. Yes he is.” Kagura’s voice seemed slightly more strained Sesshomaru noticed.

“Is there something wrong, Kagura?”

“No. It’s nothing.” She said quickly but her voice was wet. “I’ll send for my things later this week.”

“That’s fine.” He said nodding. There was an awkward pause before Kagura turned and walked out of his office and apartment.

Shrugging, Sesshomaru returned to the work in front of him; it had to be finished by Friday and he would be damned if he missed his lunch with Kagome because he didn’t have it done. Almost as if the thought summoned the girl, a loud bang and shouted greeting alerted him to her entering his apartment. He didn’t even turn when he heard her launch herself onto the comfortable couch in his office.

“Heeeey!” She wined, “Don’t ignore me!”

Realizing that there would be no work getting done until she was gone, he turned to find her creating a nest out of the couch pillows and raised a silver brow at her antics. By the time she had finished, all that could be seen of his best friends face was her eyes poking out from under a blanket.

“What do you want today?” He said as he moved to sit next to her nest but was halted when a rubber band shot him between his eyes. She blinked owlishly at him, the picture of innocence. Amber eyes narrowed in challenge and he started forward again. This time when she shot the rubber band he caught it. Smirking in triumph he completely missed the second attack which followed quickly on the heels of the first, once again feeling the sting of a rubber band meeting his forehead.

He pounced on her and her nest with a snarl, her shriek of delight ringing in his ears. After a small struggle he was able to restrain her by rolling her up like sushi in one of the blankets before sitting on her for good measure.

“Ugh.” Kagome groaned from under his weight.

“Now, as I was saying, what did you need from me?” A strong undertone of smugness in his voice.

“What, I can’t visit my friend who I haven’t seen in over two weeks?” She grumbled.

“Not when he is trying to finish his work so he can hang out with you Friday.”

“Aww, were you really?”


“That’s so sweet of you, Sesshomaru!” She wheezed, “Though, I wouldn’t be opposed to you getting off of me either.”

“No can do.”

“And why not?”

“This is your punishment.”

“Oh come on, don’t be a child.” She said as she wriggled, trying to make her escape. “I won fair and square.”

“I believe victory is mine as I am the one sitting on you right now.” He poked her cheek for good measure, just to show her that he could. Growling, Kagome tried to bite his finger, only getting an amused chuckle out of him.

“I saw Kagura on my way up, she seemed pretty upset about something?” Kagome mentioned as she once again began her great wiggle to freedom; the blanket was making her really hot! “You guys ok?” He didn’t answer. “Sesshomaru?”

“She said that she had fallen in love with someone else.”

“What!” Kagome exclaimed, “That’s impossible, this is Kagura we’re talking about; the girl is mad for you! There’s no way she fell in love with someone else.” Sesshomaru just shrugged.

“That’s what she told me.”

“Well what did you say?” Kagome interrogated while Sesshomaru sighed in exasperation.

“I said that I was happy for her.”

“Did she look upset?”

“Why would she be upset? She was the one who broke up with me.” He paused remembering her fiddling with her shirt and the way her voice seemed anxious. “Though she did seem a little nervous and she left rather quickly after.”

“Did she ever say that she was breaking up with you?” Kagome hedged.

“Well…no. But I think that was implied when she said that she loved someone else.” He said as he shot Kagome a look which obviously said that she was simple minded for not having come to the same conclusion.

“You…IDIOT!” Sesshomaru almost fell off his comfortable seat on Kagome he was so startled by her outburst. “She had been in love with you from the first time she saw you and you have been living together for over a year! She was testing to see if you cared for her the same way she did you.”

“Then why would she say she loved someone else? That doesn’t make any sense!”

“She wanted to see if you would stop her.” Sesshomaru sighed deeply.

“Women are so confusing.” He muttered.

“Hnn.” Kagome hummed, clearly mocking him. He narrowed his eyes down at her before moving so that he was lounging on the Kagome sushi roll; his back against hers, having been rolled so she was lying on her stomach. “You are the worst.”

“Indeed, I am the great Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western lands.” He said grinning savagely at the celling. Kagome blushed at the reference to their childhood games of demon and miko.

“I am so going to tell your dad when I get out of here!” Kagome threatened as she began a new technique: rolling from side to side. It failed miserably. “You know,” she said as she turned the conversation back to his relationship status, “your dad is not going to be happy about your break up. He was really hoping you would settle down and ask Kagura to marry you.”

“I am aware.” Sesshomaru grimaced, “The old dog called me at least once a week with potential baby names.”



“So how do you feel about this whole breakup?” Kagome asked hesitantly after a brief pause; she knew he did not like to discuss his emotions and she respected his privacy with that. To her surprise he answered her.

“I don’t really care that she’s gone. It’s not like I loved her or anything, it was just comfortable; I knew where I stood with her.” He paused, “Or at least I thought I did.”

“So I don’t need to go get you a tub of Ben and Jerry’s?”


“Aww, but I wanted some.” She grumbled.

“You are in no position to be making demands.” He reached around and pinched her side causing her to jump in surprise.

“Sesshomaru, I will destroy you!” She said as she tried to turn and bite him. He chucked, amused, and proceeded to poke her forehead, nose, and cheek.

“Sure you will.”


“One hundred seventy three, one hundred seventy four, one hundred sev-”

“SESSHOMARU!” His father yelled as he banged the apartment door open. “What the hell have you been doing?” His son was sitting upside-down in an armchair so that his legs rested against the back of the chair and his head hung off the seat, his eyes watching the opposite wall from his inverted perspective.

“Hn. Counting the number of bricks on the wall. Though you distracted me so I will have to start again.” He deadpanned, “One, two, thr-”

“That’s not what I meant.” Though Taisho couldn’t help but wonder at his son’s strange habits. “I was referring to what actions you have been taking to win back Kagura.”

There was a long pause between the two men. “One, two, three-”

His father’s long strides easily ate the distance between them as he advanced on his son. Though when he went to knock some sense into him, Sesshomaru flipped his legs over his head and rolled so that he was standing facing his father.

“I am no longer interested in her. I don’t think I have been for some time.” Sesshomaru told his father seriously. Taisho continued to look at his son sternly before sighing and collapsing into the now occupied chair, his head between his hands.

“I’m concerned for you, Sesshomaru.” Taisho could practically feel the disgusted look his son was giving him. “It seems like you are just running in circles. A girl asks you out, if she is good looking and intelligent enough you agree, and sometimes you start seeing the girl more permanently. But every single time you just let them walk out of your life.”

“That is enough, father.” Sesshomaru’s voice was frosty even as his father continued.

“I’ve never seen you kiss your girlfriend in public let alone hold her hand.”


“You don’t develop any feelings of attachment and there is never any passion between you and your lovers. Relationships are supposed to be passionate, Sesshomaru; spontaneous and filled with stolen moments. Did you love any of them, Sesshomaru? Are you even capable of loving someone?”

As Taisho’s face was buried in his hands he did not see the punch coming and was effectively knocked out of the chair. Touching the place Sesshomaru had hit him he realized just how horrible the things he said were. Sure Sesshomaru was difficult and rarely took an interest in things outside of work, he was still his son and it was wrong of him to say such things. His apology at his lips, he looked at his son and the words died before they could be spoken. Sesshomaru wasn’t even looking at him; the pain in his eyes contradicting the hard set of his jaw.

Though Sesshomaru was incredibly strong both physically and mentally, he was aware that the boy had always struggled to relate with people and was self-conscious about it. His words had truly hit where his son was weakest and knew that any words of apology would fall on deaf ears. Taisho considered leaving but quickly decided against it; it would not do to part on such a sour note. So after a few moments of silence he tried to ask about something he thought Sesshomaru would be interested in.

“I heard that the jury convicted that serial killer you were prosecuting. Congratulations.” He was met with silence. “Um, that little girl, Rin, is doing very well at the foster home Izayoi found for her. Her new parents thing that she is a joy and are very grateful that you put her parents killers behind bars.” A slight nod was the only response given to him. Taisho cursed, he had though that would have at least gotten a ‘hn’ out of his son. “Kagome’s boyfriend is in town.” Sesshomaru began to nod before he realized just what his father had said, his head snapping around in disbelief.

“That monster was able to find someone willing to date her without any form of blackmail or alcohol involved?” He words dripped with disbelief.

“Yes, Kagome was able to get a boyfriend without using force.” Taisho frowned at his son’s lack of confidence in his best friend. “From what she told me, she was practically beating him off with a stick before he finally convinced her to give them a shot. Apparently it went quite well. She didn’t tell you any of this? They have been seeing each other for quite some time.”

“No… Must have slipped her mind.”

 * * * * *

Kagome squirmed uncomfortably in her seat hiding behind her menu as her longtime friend sent her scathing looks from over his. She was not quite sure what she had done yet, but if his raised eyebrow had anything to say about it – and it so often did – she was in deep shit.

After they had ordered and the waiter took her shield she zipped up her jacked until it covered her mouth and nose, her eyes peeking out. It was something she often did when she felt she would need protection, Sesshomaru realized thinking she looked similar to a turtle with her head peeking out the way it was.

“Is there something you are concerned about?” he asked in a calm placating voice, she had been jumpy since seeing him outside the café they usually frequented on Fridays. Her eyes widened before in shock before she slipped deeper into her jacket; eyes narrowed.

“Suspicious.” She mumbled to herself.

“What is.”

“Hn.” Sesshomaru twitched; irked at her once again mocking him.

“I’m suspicious?”


“Why am I suspicious?”

“You asked if there was something bothering me when you are clearly the reason.” She said as she grabbed up her chopsticks to use in defense if needed. “You are upset with me about something.”

“I am.” He admitted easily, “You’re keeping secrets.”

“I’m what?” she asked shocked as her head popped out of the jacket, “I don’t know of any secrets unless…” She trailed off and Sesshomaru leaned back satisfied; preparing to hear the whole story about her boyfriend. “Unless you found out about the time when Inuyasha and covered your school uniform with catnip, which was definitely his idea!” Kagome finished with a flourish happy to have gotten that off her shoulders. However, going by the smile on Sesshomaru’s face she needed to run and she needed to have started yesterday.

The day he was attacked by all the neighborhood cats while walking to school was one of the worst experiences of his adolescent years. He had been running late and strangely enough Inuyasha had left early that morning. Kagome was also missing at their usual meeting point to walk to school, which was strange because she was just as bad – if not worse – than Inuyasha. When he heard the first mew of a cat, he didn’t think much of it. When he heard the fortieth, he panicked. There were claws everywhere and no matter how fast he ran they were always a step ahead of him. Being cats, they incredibly nimble and began dropping from trees and walls.

By the time he had reached the school his uniform was in shreds along with his pride and reputation. He was given a new uniform and sent to class after being patched up by the nurse, but he had never gotten over his hatred of cats since that day. He had also never found out the reason why the cats were attacking him either. He smiled a beaming smile at Kagome.

He was going to tear her apart.

“I see that was not the secret you were referring to… haha…ha.” He slowly pushed back his chair, the feet screeching against the tiled floor. “SHIT!” She screamed as she dashed out of the establishment, Sesshomaru hot on her heels.

The waiter came around the corner with their food but the customers were missing. Turning to the manager he asked where they had disappeared to. Miroku just shook his head at his two friends.

“They… left. I’ll just put it on their tab.” The waiter nodded and brought the food back to the kitchen. “Seriously, those two never quit.”

“Meh, it’s what we come here for anyway.” A construction worker joked as he took a sip from his steaming mug of coffee. “Having lunch here on Fridays has become a source of great interest for us locals. There’s even a betting pool on what people think will happen.”

“Oh?” Miroku asked surprised and wondered what his friends would think if they ever found out they were the subjects of a city wide betting pool. It probably wouldn’t go over well. “What do people usually bet on?”

“How long they will actually stay, who is in the doghouse with the other, when they will hook up-”

“Wait, what? Hook up? Sesshomaru and Kagome?” the man nodded, “That’s crazy! They have been friends since birth; if they were going to get together they would have done it by now.”

“Well you never know… maybe they just need the right push.”

Sesshomaru had chased Kagome four blocks, up and down a parking structure, and through a shopping center before finally catching her before she tried losing him in a play structure at a children’s park. They were both breathing hard on their backs; her held tightly, very tightly, by him so there was no chance for her to escape.

“You…are…in…so…much…trouble!” he panted.

“It…was…Inuyasha’s…idea.” She replied.


“I’ll…pay…for…lunch.” She bribed.

“Don’t…even…try…to…get…out…of…this!” Kagome wined and decided to focus on catching her breath so she could escape sooner. His hold tightened even more as if he could read her thoughts.

“I leave my camera and equipment to my dear brother, he will use them well. My secret snack collection will go to Inuya- wait no! He’s responsible! He’s getting nothing from me. You’re going to have to take care of my new puppy Sesshomaru. He’s not really a people person either, you two would get along well.” Kagome said after finally having enough air in her lungs to form a coherent sentence.

“What are you rambling on about now?” Sesshomaru sighed.

“My will of course. With my impending death I thought it only proper to make one.”

“Oh I’m not going to kill you.” Sesshomaru said lightly.

“Really! You’re the best, Sesshomaru! I knew you would underst-”

“I’m going to keep you alive while I torture you.” Kagome wailed in misery.

“Noooo! Sesshomaru, have mercy!”

“It’s nothing you wouldn’t deserve.”

“What about Inuyasha? I refuse to take all the blame for this.”

“Don’t you worry about him; he’ll get his fair share as well.”

“So what’ll it be Mr. Hotshot lawyer? Are you going to take me to court and lock me away for life or will you torture me with videos of your school theatre performances?”

“Kagome…” Sesshomaru growled.

“Right, commentary not helping. Got it.” She gulped, “What is my punishment, if I may ask.”

“Hmm, we’ll see. I can’t think of one off the top of my head but believe me,” He said with a menacing glint in his eyes, “you will not like it.” Kagome sighed in resignation.

Now that she knew she wasn’t going to die immediately she took note of their position. Their sweaty bodies were pressed tightly together with two of his arms caging her against him; one of which was brushing the underside of her breasts. Not to mention that they were in the middle of a children’s park at the top of the play structure. Blushing she started to wriggle uncomfortably.

“Can you let me go now please?” At the mention of their position, Sesshomaru too blushed at what he found; though he wasn’t entirely uncomfortable with it. Kagome was soft and easy to cuddle against his larger, more solid body. She smelled good too which was strange considering how far they had run in the hot sun; he suspected some form of female witchcraft was at work.  Removing his arm carefully, he still managed to brush against her breasts; his blush deepening.

When she was successfully released, she rolled off of him so that she was lying next to him; both watching the clouds float by.

“So if it wasn’t the whole cat secret,” Sesshomaru tensed beside her and she almost smacked herself for bringing it up again, “then what’s the secret you think I’m keeping?”

“You didn’t tell me you were dating.” He mumbled. Kagome could tell he was slightly hurt she hadn’t told him. They were best friends and were always completely honest with each other.

“Ohhh, that.”

“Well tell me about it.”

“Well his name is Koga Yoro. He’s a fellow photographer I met when I was shooting the Bolivian salt flats a few months ago. I was just minding my own business, finding a good spot with no obstructions as I waited for the storm that was forecasted for the afternoon when he and his massive crew come and set up right in front of my shot. Instead of causing a scene I just moved my gear to a neighboring spot and started checking my equipment again. Then the asshole sends two of his grunts, Ginta and Hakkaku, to ask me to leave altogether; they thought I was just a tourist pointing an overpriced camera around.” Sesshomaru could see that she was beginning to get worked up at the memory and began to rub circles on her hand; calming her immediately.

“Now you know that I’m not one to toot my own horn, but dammit I am an award winning professional landscape photographer and I wasn’t about to let someone shoo me away because I had less people with me.”

“So you went to Bolivia alone I see.” A hard edge entering his voice. “Let me guess, you escaped your studio’s staff and left without telling anyone at the office”

“Umm. Yes?” He sighed.

“I thought we agreed when you decided to be a photographer that you would always take someone with you. It’s not safe to traipse around the world without anyone to watch your back. Though I’m guessing I should be grateful that I got a call from you in the first place, even though you only said that you were going to be gone for a job in Bolivia and that you’d be back in a week.” He mumbled the last part.

“Ma ma, you’re special, Sesshomaru, you were the only one I told!” she said with a smile but cringed with his eyes became feral.

“You’re saying you left for a country on the opposite side of the world, leaving no way to contact you, and the only person you told was delirious from working on a triple homicide case for the past eight months straight without sleep?”

“Oh, congratulations on that by the way.”

“Kagome!” Sesshomaru roared, “Take you safety seriously! How many times do we have to have this conversation? You are always leaving your team and wandering off alone! It’s no wonder that Koga guy thought you were a tourist.”

“As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me,”

“We’re not done talking about this.”

Anyway, eventually they sent Koga over and he instantly dropped to his knee and proposed.”

“He did what!”

“Of course I kicked him in the face…” Sesshomaru smirked and mussed her hair. “Then, almost as if he were a zombie or something, he rose back up and resumed his proposal like nothing even happened despite blood gushing from his nose. It was freaky.

“Later, his crew was able to get him to stop and when I told them who I was they began to apologize profusely. Apparently, Koga is a young master and had fallen in love with my work when his parents brought him to one of my showings. Ever since then he began studying photography so that he could meet me one day; too bad I kicked him. Probably wasn’t how he though our first meeting would go.”

“So how did you two end up together?”

“Well, I ended up giving him and his crew some pointers about angles, lighting, exposure, etc. and spent most of the day with them. They were all such sweethearts.” Kagome smiled as she recalled some of their antics. “Of course they kept talking about all Koga’s good points and his love of photography. But what really won me over to giving him a shot was his passion.”

Sesshomaru froze next to her, remembering the words his father had spoken to him a few days before. ‘You don’t develop any feelings of attachment and there is never any passion between you and your lovers. Relationships are supposed to be passionate.’ Kagome, his best friend, was attracted to passion. He didn’t have that, or at least his father didn’t think he did.

“He was so enthusiastic to learn how to properly take photos and we became quite close-”

“Kagome,” Sesshomaru was tired of hearing about the boyfriend, the man in her life who had something he didn’t. It frustrated him and he felt his stomach tighten uncomfortably. He wanted her to think of him that way. Someone with passion and if being able to take a cool picture was all it took to make Kagome think that… “I decided what your punishment is going to be.” She swallowed thickly. “Teach me about photography.”

Kagome was confused by his request. She had been giving him disposable cameras for years trying to get him to better understand her love of photography; he melted them (they were disposable for a reason). So although she was thrilled her punishment was something she had been trying to get him to do for a while, she felt there was something else that was bothering him. She knew he wouldn’t tell her and that she would have to figure it out on her own so she responded with a whispered,

“Ok.” After all, figuring out Sesshomaru was her passion.