Divine Elemental by sesshomarusama33

Chapter 5

Divine Elemental

Chapter Five

Word Count: 300

Prompt: Stella’s Soundtrack Challenge, “Under the Honey Shine.”


Midoriko held the tiny baby in her arms, her eyes half lidded. She knew she would not live past this birth, and wanted to spend the remainder of her life with her baby.

Her daughter.

“She is beautiful, Midoriko-sama.” The old woman, who she learned was named Kaede, congratulated her. She had been wonderful to her and her newborn daughter so far, but she frowned, knowing she would have to ask too much of her.

“She has a sister,” Midoriko started, looking to the older woman with sorrow. “She must never know her.”

“B-but why, child?! Surely you can’t—“

“I am a follower of the Mizusoshi,” She started, cradling her daughter to her chest, “I have been banished, from order of the High Priest.”

“You mean Naraku-sama?” Kaede’s brows furrowed, her curiosity growing. “What manner is he involved?”

Midoriko was unsure if she should divulge the woman any more of her secrets. She would not survive, but what would happen with her baby after her passing? She did not want her baby to be raised by a follower of the Kamisama. She would not allow her to become corrupt. She would know true love, and would know that it would be stronger than any belief.

She had only hoped her husband would have felt the same.

“I must know,” Midoriko spoke, her eyes locking with the woman, “Are you a follower of the Kamisama?”

Kaede understood why she had been so reluctant to answer her previous question, and when she put two and two together, she shook her head. “Nay, child. I am a follower of the Kisoshi.”

Midoriko’s relief was evident as she smiled, loosening her grip on her baby. “Thank goodness,” she whispered. When her daughter cried, she rocked her baby gently. “That’s a good girl… Kagome.”


A/N: So, to avoid any confusion, there are TWO  groups of people. Those who follow the Kamisama (Naraku, who is the High Priest,) and the Soshi’s (There are Five different temples, each one of a different elemental god. Mizusoshi is Water God, Kisoshi is Fire God.) You will learn more of this as the story goes on, but I thought this might help for now.