Gone Before The Song by KikiDeAnime

01 - Beginning.

"Oh yeah? Well you can kiss our relationship goodbye, 'Cause we're through!" Kagome, literally, hissed through her phone before ending the call. She sighed "Hey girlfriend, Why the long face?" She heard her best friend Sango ask as she walked up to her "Ugh! I just got off the phone with Hojo" Kagome replied, once again, sighing "It's official, We're through.."

"You dumped Hojo?!" Sango gasped.

"Yeah and about time too" Kagome bit out "We were getting a little too toxic for each other now" She gritted her teeth as she crossed her arms "Can you believe I caught him red-handed kissing Ayumi..and he had the nerve to say I read the situation wrong?"

Sango gasped as her hands flew to her mouth "No way!"

"Yes way!" Kagome spat "Ugh! I am SO through with men right now!"

"Aww, don't be that way" Sango spoke before she sipped from her water bottle "You just met the wrong one, that's all" She reached out her left hand and patted Kagome's shoulder "I know! someone who can cheer you up right now"

"Who?" Kagome raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head

"Sesshomaru Tashio~ That's who~!" Sango sang out as she smiled.

"Wow, You read my mind" Kagome giggled "I totally need to get me a hunky actor fix right about now"

"I was going to ask you for movie night anyway, since they were doing a Sesshomaru Tashio movie marathon promotion" Sango replied.

"Movie marathon?" Kagome asked, confused.

"Yeah, Some sort of promo thing for Sesshomaru's upcoming new movie" Sango replied while smiling "So guess you're in luck..Oh! By the way, I'm bringing my clan buddy along though.."

"Your who?"

"My clan buddy, He works part time as a librarian here in our school" Sango replied "He's doing a movie research for his college thesis and I told him he can join us for a movie"

"Sure, The more the merrier" Kagome smiled brightly "Is he cute though?"

"Hey~! I thought you said you were through with men!" Sango gasped "And don't even go there! You know you're terrible at rebounds..And besides, he's a extreme fighter like me, I don't think he'd be your type anyway"

"True that" Kagome giggled out before Sango did as well.

"So which Sesshomaru Tashio movie shall we watch?" Sango asked after calming down from giggling.

"Let's watch Gone With Wings"

"Oh my god! That's, like, the most favorite movie of mine about him!" Sango 'eee'ed

"I know right?"

"Alright, Let's go watch it then" Kagome nodded before Sango started looking around "Now where is he?" She soon spotted who she was looking for "Hey, Miroku! Over here!" She waved him over

"Hey Miroku, How's it hanging?"

"Good, Been catching up on some reading by this really good writer" Miroku replied

"That's great!" Sango smiled

"And who's your lovely friend here?" Miroku winked at Kagome who blushed

"Oh sorry, Totally forgot to introduce you two" Sango giggled then turned towards Kagome "Kagome, This is my clan buddy Miroku Seng" She turned back towards Miroku "Miroku, This is my best friend since we were kids, Kagome" Kagome reached out her hand towards him "Nice to meet you" He shook it before kissing it "The pleasure is all mine" He winked once more "So what movie are we watching?"

"We're watching Gone With Wings" Sango replied

"Oh that one" Miroku chuckled "I think you've talked about that one recently"

"Yeah because it's my favorite movie!" Sango squealed as both Kagome and Miroku covered their ears.

"Calm your tits Sango" Kagome giggled "We know it's your favorite movie"

"Don't tell me to calm my tits" Sango hissed "How 'bout you calm your tits"

Miroku chuckled "Ladies, How about we talk about something else"

Kagome and Sango nodded "Alright, What shall we talk about?" Miroku asked them both "Hmm That's a tough one" Kagome giggled.

They continued to chat. Talking about movies, themselves, things they've been doing, recent things that have happened, before deciding to go watch the movie since it was getting close to 7pm at night and they needed to get to bed at a good time for some exams they needed to do in class.

A/N: Added more words.