Hello, welcome to Dokuga.com!

If you've arrived at this page, it is because you have been banned from Dokuga.com. This ban, which affects all links on the entire site, prevents you from visiting or contributing to our site. Any link that you click will automatically redirect you to this page indefinitely.

The fact that your behavior warranted this extreme action means you likely caused a great deal of trouble for our site, and the people who work hard to maintain it. Dokuga.com is not the place for this, which you know. We've made the site very accessible and easy to contribute to, but that also means that there are going to be problems caused by those who do things that threaten the peace of the site and break the rules.

If you feel that this is a mistake, feel free to send an email explaining the situation, but also understand that this is considered a 'last resort.' A banned account is one thing, but a banned IP address is another. This means that our normal methods of dealing with members who break the rules failed.

We want you to have fun, but we just want you to do it somewhere else.


Priestess Skye, WiccanMethuselah, and Miss_Kagura
priestess.skye@gmail.com, nkrempa@comcast.net, miss_kagura@dokuga.com,